Link to all the other ECISketcher Rotations 2015

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Nicolina's Bunting Book

 So this year I decided to make some bunting instead of an actual sketchbook. I was thinking about the end product and how it would be viewed rather than the idea of a closed book. When I researched the history of bunting it became quite clear how much the use and function of bunting has changed. Original bunting was designed for signal flags and communication for ships rather than festive decorations. When I started to look at the signal flags and the designed signs and motifs, I became intrigued with their meanings. They have many strange requests and communications such as 'STOP YOUR INTENTIONS - WATCH FOR SIGNAL or YOU ARE RUNNING INTO DANGER. Wellaren't we all?

I have made several blank card flags for you to enjoy adding your 'signal', 'motif', 'communication' - whatever you feel needs said. Have fun.


  1. Wicked "book", Nicolina! What a brill idea and concept overall, if you'll send me the measurements I'll send you one to add in, p.

    1. I will send you a blank template one soon. I can't remember the sizes as it seems so long ago. However, even if it's too big or small, it will add another dimension to the bunting. Thanks for checking us out.
